The Crown Court Game - suitable for all adults

1 Presentations are made by one side (the prosecution) with the aim of convincing 12 people (the jury) that the accused is guilty.

2 The opposite team (the defence) also make submissions and call witnesses and try to refute the prosecution's case.

3 The contest is unequal, the prosecution hold all the trump cards, not least, the strong tendency for people on the jury to side with authority.

4 Having heard the arguments the jury retire to a separate room, where those with dominant personalities persuade others into agreeing with their view.

5 The winner is announced when any 10 from 12 agree. Most of the time they get it right but often they are wrong. Who cares. The accused might have done it.

6 The prize is to incarcerate the accused for a long period and break up their family bringing absolute misery to one and all (especially if they are innocent).

7 Whoopee, hurrah, fantastic, exciting - the game is called British Justice.

8 I'm told there is a further twist to this game. The imprisoned player will be told, "we can't have you maintaining that you are innocent, we won, no parole unless you give in." Hate, spite and revenge are such satisfying, primeval urges.

9 It wouldn't be so much fun (for some), but this game could be made a lot fairer if the jury was more impartial. View the next page and see what you think.  


"It may be better for innocent people to serve life sentences
than the law should be impugned".

Lord Denning, Master of the rolls and high court judge